Sunday, February 2, 2014

Interview With Author Kamil Ali

First I should say Kamil is a fellow author at Etreasures Publishing

He was born in Kingston, a suburb of GeorgetownBritish Guiana, now renamed Guyana, after Independence in 1966. After attending Saint Stanislaus College and University of Guyana, he migrated to Canada in the early eighties and now resides in Ontario with his family.

Kamil is here to tell us about his novel,'The Initiates' - First book of 'The Appointed Collection' a paranomal thriller.

Q) What is your story about?

A criminal lawyer named, Karlis Stucka, spends a night of terror and experiences paranormal occurrences under the tutelage of Satan's First Dark Angel. Lucerifus, the name of the Dark Angel in human form, takes him through rigorous mental and physical training in preparation for the return of Jesus Christ. Karlis has a mandate to build and lead an army of Devil Worshippers by the turn of the century as religions' greatest nemesis, The Antichrist. 

Q) Why did you write this story?

I've always had a fascination with the unknown and read countless books on theories and imaginings of scholars and authors who portrayed vivid descriptions of a world just beyond our reach. This is my opportunity to share my own creation on the subject from a fictitious angle with the underlying theme of 'good ultimately overcoming evil'.

Q) How long did it take you to write it?

Interesting story here. I'd actually started my story with book three of the collection, named, 'Gateway To The Dark Side'. Halfway through the book, with its setting in North America, it became apparent that I needed to lay a foundation from the 'Old World'. I picked Latvia for its rich history and geographical location. After endless hours of research, I embarked on a novel made up of facts rolled together with fiction to lend credibility to the storyline. I called this book, 'The Order of The Mirror'. When I finished the book, I realized guessed it. I needed to have an even deeper base, hence, the creation of 'The Initiates'. It doesn't end there. I'd submitted the two books together and called them part one and part two. I'm grateful to my Publisher, Acquisitions Editor and everyone who had a hand in shaping my collection of books into a pride-filled and classy read.

Q) What is your favorite book?

I have a favorite author, as opposed to a favorite book. In my teen years, I read almost every book published by a British author named, Dennis Wheatley. Some of these books were made into movies with great actors who breathed life into the characters from the books. The genre?....Paranormal Occult.

Q) What is the worst smell in the world?

A dirty rat!.....No actually, rotted fish.

Q) What’s your favorite kind of animal?

Dogs - I had an Alsatian named Bruno. Very Intelligent and faithful.

Q) What is the first creative thing you wrote? When did you write it?

I wrote an essay a week in High School. In my mind, they were masterpieces. Unfortunately the entire collection was thrown out by my Mom when I left Guyana.

Q) Who is the person you most admire?

My father's Dad - He was the most remarkable person I've ever known. He had limited education, which was the norm for his generation. Kids started working early to help out the family's finances. Yet he ran a successful group of businesses, selling groceries, clothes, shoes, jewelry  - did I mention he was also a jeweler? He assembled two huge lightning plants and sold electricity to the local government. He installed a thirty-foot high wind-charger (windmill) and stored the electricity in a series of wet cell batteries. For a man who could barely read, he astonished everyone with his clear vision and logical foresight.

Q) What is the oldest piece of clothing you own?

A tie I brought back from Guyana when I returned from my Dad's funeral in 1986. I still use it. 

Q) Who is the greatest writer to ever live?

Charles Dickens

Q) What can we expect next from you?

Apart from the 'The Order of The Mirror' and 'Gateway to The Dark Side', I am currently writing a novel called, 'The Beggar', based on the poem of the same name in my first published book of poems, 'Profound Vers-A-Tales'. I'm writing this book for my wife. 'The Beggar' is her favorite poem. It tells the tale of a woman who is stricken with Alzheimer's after her only son abandons her, then her husband dies. She ends up on the streets, destitute and in search of her son, who ironically is also on a quest to find his mother after his wife abandons him with their two kids. It's a very sad story that evokes high emotions. I've seen people cry while reading this poem. The book will cut deeper into hearts.

Thanks for being with us, Kamil.

If you are interested in purchasing Kamil's book, The Initiates, it can be found, among many other places, at the following links:



  1. John,
    I enjoyed reading your interview. Your book sounds different and exciting. Good luck with it.
    Barri Bryan

  2. The comment above should have begun Kamil, sorry Kamil. I still think you book sounds exciting and different.
    Best wishes,

  3. I am trying to comment again since the last two times they evaporated when I clicked on Publish this is mainly a test. although I will say Kamil's writing sounds interesting even though it's not my genre. :)
